MS And Incontinence Continued.

May 15, 2015

MS And Incontinence Continued.

I talked about the definition of MS in my earlier blog and promised to discuss ongoing MS research and some of the early findings. The topic is so large it will have to be a series of blogs. This is just part one. I have no idea how many “talks” our series will take. I will try to give you a thumbnail picture of what our best medical facilities now believe to be true about MS. I will talk about its causes, the ongoing effects of the disease, and where to go to get support for the MS patient and the Caregiver or care provider. According to Healthline there are about 400,000 cases of MS in the US and 2.5 million worldwide. Women are at a higher risk by 2-1 of contracting MS than men and most reported cases of MS are above the 37th parallel. There are about 250 new cases of MS reported each week worldwide. There are more new cases the farther north on the continent you go and fewer in the south. This is also true for Europe with Denmark having 227 cases per 100,000 people. Canada, though, really the bears the burden with 291 MS cases out of every 100,000 citizens of that country. There is a theory among some researchers that a lack of the sunshine vitamin D may be a contributing factor to causing MS in the higher latitudes. The good news is researchers are making inroads on therapies that provide help with symptoms like incontinence, unstable gait, blurred vision and memory loss. For information on protecting your furnishings contact