Mental Health and Incontinence

May 22, 2018

Mental Health and Incontinence

Mental Health and Incontinence

Often people with mental illnesses will experience bladder control problems. However, these problems may or may not be related to the mental illness itself.

Mental illness will increase the risk of incontinence because it may interfere with the person's ability to physically get to the toilet. This is often a result of the confusion and inattention due to unorganized thinking.

People who suffer mental illness are usually prescribed any number of various medications. Most of these medications will cause more confused thinking. You may even be completely unaware of the need to urinate.

Unfortunately, people with mental disorders are more likely to suffer from addiction related problems as well. The addiction can be smoking, drinking high amounts of caffeine and/or alcohol etc. These habits only contribute to incontinence because of their direct effect on the brain.

What should you avoid?

If you suffer from a mental disorder it's recommended to avoid the following:

  1. Smoking - Smoking can induce a chronic cough which will add pressure and strain to the bladder muscles and pelvic floor.
  2. Caffeine -  Caffeine is known to irritate the lining of the bladder and increase urination.
  3. Alcohol -  Alcohol has a diuretic effect which will increase the need to urinate.

What can you do?

  1. Exercise and maintain a healthy body weight.
  2. Eat right and drink plenty of water.
  3. Quit Smoking!