How to Know When Incontinence is a Sign of Something More Serious?

November 12, 2018

How to Know When Incontinence is a Sign of Something More Serious?

How to Know When Incontinence is a Sign of Something More Serious?

When is incontinence not just incontinence?  The answers to this question are something all who suffer from incontinence should understand.  While this condition is often not serious, in terms of overall health, at times it can be a symptom of something more concerning. 

Below is a list of 5 illnesses where incontinence may be present.  If your symptoms match those listed in a situation shared below, please contact your physician.

Urinary Tract Infections:  Incontinence is often a symptom of urinary tract infections. If you suffer from this coupled with other issues including burning, pain/pressure in your back or abdomen, a frequent urge to urinate and fever (among others), you should see your doctor.  You may require medication to clear up an infection.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (enlarged prostate): This issue (an enlarged prostate gland) affects men While this is not a form of cancer, it does need to be treated.  In addition to incontinence, other symptoms can include a frequent need to urinate, and difficulty urinating, among others.  Men who suffer from these symptoms should seek medical attention.

Interstitial Cystitis.  This chronic bladder condition, of which incontinence is a symptom,  may be relieved through non-medical intervention.  Often doctors recommend a change in diet, instructions to stop smoking, and a reduction in stress.  If these don't work, medication and physical therapy can be prescribed.

Bladder Cancer:  Incontinence is one symptom of bladder cancer.  (DON'T PANIC - just because you are experiencing incontinence does NOT mean you have cancer!!)  Other symptoms include the presence of blood in the urine, pelvic pain, and back pain.  If you are experiencing symptoms like this, you should most definitely contact your doctor.

Alzheimer's:  Often Alzheimer’s patients suffer from urge incontinence.  Simply, this means the bladder is overactive.  If someone you know is experiencing this, along with memory loss, they should see a specialist to determine if Alzheimers could be at the root of the symptoms.

Understand, the list above is not complete; there are additional illnesses of which incontinence is a symptom.  At LIQUAGUARD® we encourage all of our clients to visit their physicians regularly and honestly share all of the health concerns, including incontinence, that they may have.  Quite often, incontinence is JUST incontinence.  Your doctor may have suggestions on how to alleviate it.  

At LIQUAGUARD® we will continue to provide those who suffer from incontinence the quality products they need to live an enjoyable and dignified life.